Install Steam di Ubuntu 23.10

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So, bocil minta main game Marvel di Steam. PC windows di kantor dann ada pc nganggur di rumah. Males install windows, jadilah coba pakai Ubuntu. Download Ubuntu 23.10 official di webnya langsung yang versi desktop. Kurleb 4-5GB.

DI beberapa panduan online, mereka akan langsung main “apt install steam”, ini ga langsung work. Perlu ada beberapa prequisite.

Berikut langkahnya:
Update dulu dan upgrade

# apt update
# apt upgrade
Install aptitude
# apt install aptitude

Lakukan install steam

# apt install steam

Jika command diatas tidak work, pakai command berikut

# apt install steam-libs

Jika muncul error seperti dibawah ini :

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
 steam-installer : Depends: steam-libs-i386 (= 1: but it is not installable
E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.

Install dpkg untuk arsitektur i386 untuk solving masalah diatas, dan update.

# dpkg --add-architecture i386
# apt update

Lalu coba lagi install steam-libs

# apt install steam-libs

Jalankan steam dari cli atau cari di softwares. Good Game Well Played!

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