This Ramadhan, almost whole month, i try to play only Quran playlist from Spotify. At first, its little bit hard to find “good” recite from Spotify. And then i realized that i have heard before in Youtube for “lofi quran” keyword search.
So i came up to search it on Spotify. Got it. The name of reciter are Omar Hisham. His voice dancing in my mind. Really.
The more i listend to this, the more mainstream music become unrelated. I see the beauty in recite Quran more and more.
“The more i listend to this, the more mainstream music become unrelated.”
Kalimat yang related dengan apa yang saya rasakan dulu sebagai orang yang suka mendengarkan musik dengan earphone terbaik yang sanggup saya beli, pada akhirnya mendapati ternyata bacaan Al-Qur’an bisa nikmat didengarkan meski dengan kualitas rekaman audionya yang cempreng sekalipun. Dan tak ada musik mainstream yang menyamainya.